Boatpeople Watch is a site showing trends in Australian Boatpeople Arrivals

The Above Graph(Click to Enlarge) Shows the amount of Boatpeople that have arrived since 1999, and includes a projected total for 2010. It is clear from the data that Domestic Policy has a massive effect on boatpeople arrivals, with the toughening of the laws at the end of 2001 causing a massive drop in boat arrivals, and continued to have an effect all the way through the Pacific Solution Period.

We see the reverse occur after the softening of the laws and dropping of TPV's at the end of 2008. A huge surge of boatpeople followed this decision, and continues to rise unabated, with 7000 Boatpeople arrivals likely to arrive in 2010. Push factors do obviously vary during the years, however it is clear from the data that the largest changes were via domestic policy changes. The world was in a state of huge instability after September 11, with wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, yet the numbers of boats continued to remain very low during this period, reaffirming the detterent effect of the Pacific Solution.